Photobook publication, Kerber Verlag, 2022
Broken Holiday Album
August 2022
ISBN 978-3-7356-0860-4
16,5 × 18,8 cm
96 Pages
79 colored illustrations
Text by
Verna Kovanen
Design by
Verna Kovanen; Juha Nenonen, Bigger Splash, Helsinki
In Broken Holiday Album, the photographer Verna Kovanen (*1989) invites readers to accompany her on a journey to the Mediterranean white sand beaches and the holiday resorts of her childhood. The abandoned travel destinations, which were once built to satisfy our need for escapism, today seem more like stage settings caught in a time capsule. The poetic and subtle photographs can be viewed picture by picture or—owing to the leporello form—in a panorama view that extends over nearly six meters. The passport concealed in the book’s cover pocket gives us insights into the artist’s personal life and family history. Memories and imagination, underlying themes in Verna Kovanen’s artistic work, are also prominent in this book.
Broken Holiday Album on matkakertomus, jossa muistot ja matkalla koettu nivoutuvat yhdeksi. Valokuvaaja Verna Kovanen vie meidät rantalomalle, jossa hän kohtaa lapsuuden muistoihin jääneet rannat aikuisen silmin. Kirja kuljettaa lukijaa pitkin Välimeren rantoja ja lomakeskuksia. Välillä uppoudutaan ajatuksiin katse horisontissa ja välillä tarkastellaan kesken jääneen hotellin ajan kuluttamia seiniä. Eskapistisiin tarpeisiin rakennetut autioituneet paikat tuntuvat jääneen aikakapseliin, johon turisti voi aina halutessaan palata. Runollinen ja hienovarainen kokonaisuus on luettavissa sivu kerrallaan, mutta halutessaan lukija voi avata haitaritaitetun kirjan täyteen mittaansa lähes kuusi metriseksi kuvajanaksi. Kirjan liitteenä tuleva Passi avaa pääsyn taiteilijan perheen lomahistoriaan. Muistin ja mielikuvituksen teemat näkyvät niin tässä kirjassa, kuin Verna Kovasen muissakin töissä.
Review by Alex Prior / Photobook Reviewer
A place, a destination where cherished memories were had, perhaps year after year and even shared between generations, can root itself deep into our consciousness finding links with the present at unexpected junctures in our life.
How then do we process the feelings that arrive when this place that existed so perfectly in memory has succumbed to the harsh realities of time, neglect and being usurped by the new? A place steeped in warming memories, like a protective blanket, now void of that comforting familiarity and spiked with a coldness and emptiness that renders the once familiar now an alien concept.
Verna Kovanen visits, documents and in a way relives places that were once part of her childhood and that now dwell in memory only, like books that once contained fantastical tales now gathering dust. In the majority, these fragmentary visual documents are presented as panoramas, both as separate viewpoints and occasionally, and more interestingly, linked to others creating a certain poetic resonance.
The book itself is a near six meter double sided leporello. This format lends itself to the concept of flowing interconnected memory that can be read and processed in singular glances or as a grand uninterrupted sweep. It also signals toward the vastness of these places, constructed to accommodate and bring pleasure to thousands.
Yet, like all things, there is an end point whereby use and function have been exhausted and notions of connection and longing have been placed aside. This is illustrated in photographs that eschew the easy and obvious path of focusing solely on dereliction and decay, although that is still present here in places. Instead, surreality tinged with a certain poignancy manifests itself as the overriding, yet not overbearing, visual theme throughout.
Brightly coloured abstract print chairs sit idle and empty with only the nearby expanse of sea for company, waiting for visitors who will never come. Water slides shot face on and from underneath exposing the inherent oddness of these industrial looking attractions meant to evoke fun and adventure. A hose unsheathed looping and snaking across the surface of a silent and serene pool, like the uninhibited lines of a Cy Twombly painting. Windows covered up with photographs of tropical beaches, crystal clear seas and sparing cocktails, a view of a place more beautiful and fulfilling than the one it is being viewed from.
A great pile of dead palm leaves, the ultimate symbol of the death of paradise?
Photobook publication, self-published, 2016
October 2016
ISBN 978-952-93-7648-3
Hardcover, 144 pages
Photographs an texts: Verna Kovanen
Welcome, invisible friends -essay: Janna Rantala
Assignments in the assigment section:Verna Kovanen ja Janna Rantala
Graphic design: Taru Happonen
Editor: Elina Blomqvist
English translation: Kasper Salonen
© Copyrights for all materials owned by Verna Kovanen
Printed in: Tallinna Raamatutrükikoja, 2016
Did you know that even 65 percent of us have or have once had an imaginary friend? The Invisibles is a photography-based documentary story book by photographer-documentarist Verna Kovanen that transports its readers into the midst of a series of funny (and true) stories about imaginary friends that children have. When children get to decide for themselves whom they befriend, families share their lives with all types of characters, from Belgian gangsters and mall-loitering teens to hiccoughing mice. In addition to the photographic stories, the book also includes an assignment section and an illuminating essay by psychologist Janna Rantala which aim to inspire parents to get acquainted with their child’s imaginary friends and imaginary worlds.
Näkymättömät on dokumentaristi ja valokuvaaja Verna Kovasen kirja lasten mielikuvitusystävistä. Kirjassa on 13 lasten kertomaa tarinaa heidän ystävyydestään mielikuvituskavereiden kanssa. Kovanen on dokumentoinut nämä tarinat tekstin ja valokuvien muotoon ja nyt suuri yleisö pääsee kurkistamaan näkymättömien ystävien maailmaan.
Tarinoiden lisäksi kirjassa on, lasten psykiatri ja vuoden 2015 perheterapautti, Janna Rantalan mielikuvitusystävä-ilmiötä käsittelevä teksti. Tiesitkö esimerkiksi, että mielikuvitusystaviä on jopa 65%:lla meistä?
Kirjan lopusta löytyy myös hauska tehtäväliite perheille, jonka kanssa perheet pääsevät yhdessä tutustumaan perheessä mahdollisesti asuviin näkymättömiin.
Verna Kovanen:
Invisibles - True stories about Children´s Imaginary Friends