Ongoing/ Coming up:

19.3.–6.4.2025, Verna Kovanen, solo exhibition, Uusi Kipinä, Lahti, FIN

1.11.2024–11.5.2025, Pauliina Mäkelä: Pneuma, Malva Lahti Museum of Visual Arts, FIN

Pauliina Mäkelä´s solo exhibition features the Kultapalmut film, that was made together with Pauliina Mäkelä and Topias Tiheäsalo.

26.9. – 5.1.2025, Superbubbles – The Many Forms of Contemporary Comics /Kuumat Kuplat – Nykysarjakuvan monet muodot, group exhibition, Poikilo Museum, Kouvola, FIN

The group exhibition features the Kultapalmut film, that was made together with Pauliina Mäkelä and Topias Tiheäsalo. The film is screened on loop in Kino Poikilo until the 5th of January 2025.

Seen in 2024:

29.8.–22.9.2024, Broken Holiday Album, solo exhibition, Galleria Ratamo, Luovan valokuvauksen keskus Jyväskylä, FIN


29.8. – 29.9.2024 UFNA Triennial: Under the Surface, group exhibition, Galerija Arka, Vilnius, Lithuania

Under the Surface is the Satellite Exhibition of the 2nd International Art and Science Triennial, titled ‘UFNA: Unpredictable Futures’, is organised by Lithuanian, Estonian and Helsinki Artists´ Associations (Helsingin Taiteilijaseura)
Finnish artist group were curated by Satu Kalliokuusi, Eija Saarivirta and Eeva Muona.
