Osallistun myyjäisiin ensimmäisenä viikonloppuna 14.-15.12. Tapahtuma pidetään Korkeavuorenkatu 23 osoitteessa Designmuseossa klo 11-18. Tapahtumaan on vapaa pääsy.
Myynnissä originaaleja ja myyjäishinnoin paperituotteita.
Tule moikkaamaan ja tutustumaan teoksiin!
Osallistuvat myyjät
Elina Makkonen
Sarita Koivukoski
Raaka Rå
Aura Kajas
Emmi Jormalainen
Verna Kovanen
Terhi Isokuortti
Harri Syrjänen
Mari Kallionpää
Ivana Helsinki
Elina Airikkala
Jenni Rope
Matti Pikkujämsä
Tiina Elovainio
Petra Ilonen & Tangl-korttipelit
“KULTAPALMUT FILM” is taking part to exhibitions in Malva and Poikilo Museums
Kultapalmut film (10:44 min, 2024) is an experimental documentary film capturing a Kultapalmut duo performace by Verna Kovanen.
Kultapalmut is an performance group by Pauliina Mäkelä and Topias Tiheäsalo. Kultapalmut combines experimental music and analog moving images. Their performance can be described as a phantastic, modern-day magic lantern show.
Duration 10:44
Verna Kovanen: film direction | filming | editing Pauliina Mäkelä: art direction | images | projections
Topias Tiheäsalo: art direction | music | sounds
The film will be playing there as part of two museum exhibitions during this autumn and spring 2025. Check these out!
1.11.2024–11.5.2025, Pauliina Mäkelä: Pneuma, Malva Lahti Museum of Visual Arts, FIN
26.9.2024 – 5.1.2025, Superbubbles – The Many Forms of Contemporary Comics /Kuumat Kuplat – Nykysarjakuvan monet muodot, group exhibition, Poikilo Museum, Kouvola, FIN
My exhibition at The Centre for Creative Photography in Gallery Ratamo is now encoded in a virtual format. Thnak you for Joonas Ahtikallio to make this happen.
Visit the virtual exhibition here.
Original live-exhibition was held during 29.8.–22.9.2024, in Gallery Ratamo, Jyväskylä, FIN
Broken Holiday Album at CHART art fair 2023
For CHART Book Fair 2023, PBFF will showcase a curated selection of recent publications made in Finland. Among others, presented artists will include: Helen Korpak, Hilla Kurki, Adele Hyry and Verna Kovanen.”
So Happy to be part of Photobooks from Finland collective’s curated collection for CHART.
Go and visit the CHART art fair at Charlottenborg in the central of Copenhagen this week during 24th – 27th of August. The Books are displayed at the PBFF booth in Festhalen and in the Reading Room.
Check out also Photobooks from Finland ’s other activity. They are organizing great Photobook Club happenings and their archive of Finnish photography publications is pretty amazing!
The National Library showcases The Most Beautiful Books 2022 winners
The exhibition at the National Library of Finland showcases the winners in all the categories of the Most Beautiful books 2022 competition.
Library's visiting address is Unioninkatu 36, Helsinki.The exhibition is located at the gallery space of Cafe Rotonda in the -1 floor.
Exhibition can be seen until 31st of August. Opening hours mon-fri 9am till 6pm.
Broken Holiday Album valokuvakirja palkittiin Kauneimmat Kirjat 2022 kilpailussa /
Broken Holiday Album was awarded the Beautiful Book Prize
Broken Holiday Album valokuvakirjani palkittiin torstaina Kansalliskirjastossa Kauneimmat Kirjat 2022 kilpailussa Kirjataiteen Kaunis Kirja -kunniakirjalla ja se liitettiin osaksi Kauneimmat kirjat 2022 kokoelmaa!
Kävimme vastaanottamassa palkinnon yhdessä kirjan toisen graafisen suunnittelijan Juha Nenosen kanssa. Tuntuu hienolta saada tunnustusta pitkään ja pieteetillä koko kirjan tiimin kanssa työstetylle kirjateokselle. Kirjan kustantamona toimi saksalainen Kerber Verlag, jonka inhouse tuotantona Bielefeldissa tehtiin paino- ja sidontatyöt käsin. Voin sanoa, että olen itse äärimmäisen tyytyväinen ja kiitollinen lopputuloksesta. On hienoa miten kaikkien kirjaa tehneiden ammattitaito näkyy lopputuloksessa – tätä kirjaa ei todella tehty helpoimman tai halvimman kautta. Joskus asioihin kannattaa panostaa ja niihin kannattaa laittaa niin aikaa, että ajatusta. Hurraaa!
I am very proud to announce that my photobook Broken Holiday Album (publisher Kerber Verlag) was awarded the Beautiful Book Prize given by the Finnish Book Art Committee. Also the book got in to the collection of the Most Beautiful Books 2022. The awards ceremony was held last Thursday at the National Library of Finland. We received the award together with the book's other graphic designer Juha Nenonen.
It feels great to be recognized for a book that has been worked on for a long time and with devotion with the entire book team. I am personally extremely satisfied and thankful with the end result and how the professionalism of everyone who worked with this book is reflected in the final result - this book was definitely not made the easiest or cheapest way. Sometimes it's worth investing in things: putting time and thought into them. Hooray!
Solo exhibition at Mikkeli Centre of Photography
23.2. – 1.4.2023 Mikkeli Centre of Photography, Sali
Address: Puistokatu 3, Mikkeli
Broken Holiday Album is a photographer Verna Kovanen´s journey to the places which once were locations of happy family vacations of her childhood.
At the same time, holiday destinations seem to be places that rely heavily on personal memories and, on the other hand, symbolize a familiar and very much-copied concept made for the mass tourism industry.
Resorts are places, where nostalgia, global political crises, and the escapist needs of the traveler mix. In addition to holiday destinations, Broken Holiday Album series tells about us as travelers and tourists, and about time passing and the constant change whether we like it or not.
Listen interview about the exhibition at YLE AREENA (in finnish).
Meet me at PARIS PHOTO 11.11.2022
Broken Holiday Album Book Signing at the publisher Kerber Verlag´s Booth SE29 on friday 11th of November at 5 pm.
24.9.2022 AMOS REX
Super happy to announce that my new photobook Broken Holiday Album is now published by german artbook publisher Kerber Verlag. The Book Launch was held in Helsinki at Amos Rex Lounge.